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辰野町はNew Zealandのワイトモ・ディストリクトとの姉妹都市です。ほたる祭りに合わせて、2023年6月9日から辰野町に訪問団がやってきました。ホストファミリーとして訪問団の一人をお迎えしました。

Tatsuno-machi has become a sister city to Waitomo District in New Zealand. On June 9, 2023, a visiting delegation arrived in Tatsuno Town. As a host family, we welcomed one member of the visiting delegation.

Tatsuno Town has become a sister city to Waitomo in New Zealand. On June 9, 2023, a visiting delegation arrived in Tatsuno Town. As a host family, we welcomed one member of the visiting delegation.

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